Cannifer Ltd: About Us

The company name is Cannifer Ltd
Trading as: Cannifer, Hart Canna, Lincluden Nursery
The directors of Cannifer Ltd are Keith and Christine Hayward.

The company name is derived from "canna" and "conifer". The nursery presently sells cannas, but when we purchased it it was a conifer nursery, which we carried on selling for a few years.
Our company website:

We have various business activities, mainly connected with horticulture.

We operate from a nursery:
Lincluden Nursery
Shaftsbury Road
Bisley Green
Surrey GU24 9EN

At the nursery we sell cannas and giant plastic planters.
Our online catalogues are: Planters and plant pots. Canna catalogue.
Visitors are welcome, by arrangement, any day including weekends.
Please phone us. 01252-514421 0776-295-0000 0771-867-9245
If you don't let us know you are coming there might be no-one there.

Also at the nursery we host the business which is not owned by us.

We also hold the Plant Heritage National Collection of Cannas. See:
Visitors are welcome to see our collection. We keep it at our nursery, Lincluden Nursery, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Surrey, GU24 9EN. Just phone or email to agree a date and time. See our online canna catalogue for more details.
Plant Heritage website

For full information on canna cultivation, botany, disease etc, see our online canna catalogue.

Our business and postal address is
25/27 Guildford Road West
Farnborough, Hants. GU14 6PS

Our main E-mail addresses:
They come into the same computer, so it doen't matter which you use.

Our Phone numbers:

We also present lectures on horticultural themes for clubs and gardening societies:
"Glorious Cannas" All about cannas: history, botany, types, cultivation, etc.
"Taking a Stand" Behind the scenes at the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show
"Hunting for wild cannas in Argentina" A slideshow of our visits to Argentina and Bolivia in search of canna species.
"Our World Of Cannas" Covering our various canna interests: Nursery, National Collection, Exhibiting, Visits to South America etc.
"Entertainment on a horticultural theme" Songs, poems, readings, general chit chat. Suitable for club annual dinners, Xmas parties etc.
We love to do it, so please don't hesitate to enquire (phone or email). We will travel any distance. The furthest so far is Ireland.